We've added more features to the market to help assist you with finding the right buyer and their items.
On the market, you can now view who the top reputable sellers are and their profiles either at the top of the market page or when clicking to bid on any specific item (it will say "Reputable Seller"). Biding on their item gives you a higher chance of receiving a cool item for a fair price compared to regular sellers.
Not only this, you can now add items to your "Demands list", which is shown on your profile, so sellers can get an idea of what items match your interest to put on the market! You must login to your account and view your page in order to add to your list.
Lastly, we have recently updated the "Be right back" (aka brb) feature. This button lets other users know that you are temporarily away but you will return in a short bit. We've modernized and updated it a bit more, so now when your chobot goes into brb mode, your chobot will become transparent and still have the brb sign over your chobot, as well as a message that will appear saying "You are now brb, click ok when you return".
Stay tuned for more upcoming updates!
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